Out of School Hours Care

The Out of School Hours Care program is available to students in the ELC and the Junior School.


The Early Learning Centre provides a safe and nurturing environment for your child to engage in a range of experiences with their friends and educators.

Before School Care operates from 8–9am on Monday to Friday during school term time.

After School Care operates from 3–6pm on Monday to Friday during school term time.

Out of School Hours Care is not available during public holidays or CGGS pupil free days.

ELC Out of School Care fees

Daily Permanant Booking

Daily Casual with notice

Before School Care



After School Care



Junior School

The Junior School program provides a balance of relaxation, recreation and play experiences to cater for a range of interests and abilities.

After School Care operates from 3.20–6pm on Monday to Friday during school term time.

After School Care fees start from $45 per afternoon, per child.

Out of School Hours Care is not available during public holidays or CGGS pupil free days.

My Family Lounge Access

My Family Lounge is an online booking and enrolment system. Parents/carers must have a My Family Lounge Account and submit a completed online enrolment form for each child in order to access OSHC services.

Families who have an existing My Family Lounge account, either with CGGS or another service, may skip the registration process and simply log in to their My Family Lounge Account to update their bookings and details.

To register as a new user and request a booking:

  1. Follow the link here to set up an account. Follow the prompts to complete your registration.
  2. Once you have registered, sign in and enter details for all mandatory fields including your name, relationship to the child and at least one phone number and address details. Add your child’s details and choose one of the available options.
  3. An email is automatically sent to inform us that you have submitted a booking request. You will be able to see the status of your request on your My Family Lounge portal.
  4. If we have availability, we will contact you with an offer (by email) and ask you to accept. The offer will only be held for you for a short time.
  5. To accept the offer, log in to MFL and accept. You will then complete the Enrolment Form, noting that fields marked in red are mandatory.
  6. Medical action plans, relevant diagnoses, court orders and immunisation records must be uploaded. Once all questions and information required is completed, select the ‘Submit’ button.
  7. Your child is now enrolled and their permanent place secured in After School Care.

Casual bookings

To make a casual booking, complete the My Family Lounge registration process and enrol your child. Once your child is enrolled in our service, you can book casual days via the ‘Casual Booking Calendar’ within the My Family Lounge app.

Download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.