Service Learning

Cygnus at CGGS

CGGS has a proud 100-year legacy of service to the community. Deeply rooted in our Anglican faith and founding ethos are three core guiding principles: Love, Honour and Service.

A powerful form of experiential learning, Service Learning combines academic outcomes with community service activities. Students contribute to community needs via volunteer opportunities that align with curriculum learning objectives.

Students are encouraged to take part in activities that resonate with both the School’s and their personal values, seek local opportunities that benefit those most in need and that align with and amplify our female-focused mandate.

Activities are in diverse settings with a broad cross-section of populations. Exposure to real-world issues and hands-on experience increases awareness, encourages students to develop a sense of purpose and supports empathy and responsibility.

Senior School opportunities:

  • Amnesty International
  • Community Projects (Year 9 MYP)
  • Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) projects (IBDP)
  • Environment Club
  • Indigenous Focus Group
  • Solomon Islands immersion (joint community service trip with Marist College Canberra)

Junior School opportunities

  • Billycarts for the Alimo Academy (Y2)
  • Community Projects (Y6)
  • House Buddies (Y6)
  • Mother’s Day Classic (Y6)
  • Rememberance Day fundraising (Y6)
  • Sewing and Crocheting for local charities (Y5)
  • Service Action Project and PYP Exhibition (Y5 MYP)

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is designed to challenge young people to attain standards of achievement and endeavour in a wide variety of active interests—to serve their communities, experience adventure outdoors and to develop and learn outside the classroom.

The Award is offered at a Bronze, Silver and Gold level, depending on a students’ age and stage. Available to students in Years 9—12, the Award involves logging weekly participation in the areas of Physical Recreation, Skills and Service. Many students find they already undertake these activities through areas such as sport, music and volunteering, so the Award becomes a great way of recognising this commitment. All students in Year 9 participate in The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award program—the first step towards The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Silver and Gold experience opportunities:

  • Silver Award —Horse Riding (April) and Sailing (September/October)
  • Gold Award—Hiking and abseiling. Alternates between Tasmania and New Zealand (December/January).

Junior Duke Award

The Junior Duke is an international award aimed at Junior School students to increase independence, confidence and resilience by providing a platform on which to feel success and achievement. Students undertake 10 challenges to be awarded the following: Year 2 (Bronze Junior Duke)

  • Bronze Junior Duke (Y2)
  • Silver Junior Duke (Y3)

Gold Junior Duke (Y4)