Academic Enrichment

Cygnus at CGGS

Enhanced learning options provide further opportunities to learn beyond the standard academic curriculum, or to gain support to improve and develop.

Academic competitions

Designed to stimulate and challenge agile, curious minds, the annual calendar of competitions are rigorous and encourage students to draw on an extensive knowledge base and skill set. Students work individually or in teams to extend their knowledge and skills in critical thinking, collaboration and communication, competing against fellow schools locally, nationally and possibly globally. Competitions include:

  • Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) (Y3–12)
  • Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge (Y3–6)
  • da Vinci Decathlon (Y5–10)
  • Engineering challenge (Y10)
  • Ethics Olympiad (Y5–12)
  • The GATEWays Challenge (Y3–6)
  • International Competitions and Assessment for School (ICAS) (Y2–12)
  • Kid Lit Quiz (Y5–6)
  • Readers Cup (Y5–6)
  • Science and Maths Olympiads (Y7–12)
  • STEM challenge (Y5–10)
  • Tournament of Minds (Y5–6)
  • Write a Book in a Day (Y6–12)

The Evening Study Program

Engage in supervised study after-hours on-campus. This offering provides students in Years 8–12 with a supportive, focused environment to complete course work, get a head-start on assessment tasks and prepare for key exams.