I have just finished a wonderful book, The Beekeeper of Aleppo, by Christy Lefteri. While the book itself is a work of fiction, it was written after the author spent time volunteering in a UNICEF-supported refugee centre in Athens. During this time, she met displaced people from Syria and Afghanistan and whose stories form the basis of her book. The novel was an insight into the plight of those who can no longer live in their country of birth, and the huge sacrifices they must make to survive.…
Have you noticed CGGS students happen to be popping up everywhere at the moment? Perhaps you’ve seen our sports stars dashing across courts and running across fields, or our Snow Sport students racing down the slopes? Maybe our musicians have caught your eye, at the Year 3 recital, or, more recently, at our Combined Bands performance? Or our Junior School Defense students attending ADFA’s production of Peter Pan? Our debaters have certainly been on show, delivering thought-provoking arguments…
Hope, love, joy, and peace. These are the themes that the church explores in Advent, the time leading up to Christmas. Each Sunday, another candle is lit on the Advent Wreath. Advent, however, will not begin for some weeks – so why talk about hope, love, joy and peace now? Every now and then, it is helpful to remind ourselves that hope, love, joy and peace all speak to communities of inclusion. Communities where people are accepted for who they are, communities where a spirit of hope and joy…
Congratulations to Year 12 students Lize and Anneliese who were last week presented with the Order of Australia ACT Branch 2022 Student Citizenship Awards. These awards recognise the wonderful contribution school students make through their community service and other acts of good citizenship. Our Acting Principal Ms Julie Jorritsma and Head of Deakin House Ms Samantha Newbond attended the ceremony with Lize, Anneliese and their families. Lize and Anneliese have contributed positively to the…
This week, the final stages of the Senior Council 2023 leadership journey began with hopeful candidates for School Captain, School Vice-Captain, SRC Chair and Emily Service Captain making speeches in assembly. Following this, voting took place among the student body and the candidates were interviewed by senior staff and the current School Captains. Over the past few weeks, I have also interviewed several students for a range of opportunities in the School. In these interviews, I talk to the…
The Early Learning Centre at CGGS is home to our youngest learners. It is a place filled with hope, imagination and innate curiosity, where questioning, wondering and playful learning live. While in the ELC I am at times mistaken for Father Chris or the owner of the world-famous golden arches restaurant chain. Like me, everyone who visits the ELC on Grey Street undoubtedly leaves buoyed by the energy of the wonderful three- and four-year old boys and girls who call this part of the School…
This afternoon we have released the results of our elections for the 2023 Senior Council. Firstly, I would like to congratulate the successful candidates who have demonstrated their commitment and their willingness to take on these significant responsibilities in their final year of school. The selection process is a rigorous one, and requires a written statement, student voting, an assembly speech for the shortlisted students and finally an interview with senior members of staff. The calibre…
It’s an incredibly busy time of term. Students across the school are working hard, contemplating the tasks ahead of them for the remainder of the term. For many of our older students, it’s the thought of encroaching assessment that occupies their thoughts. For our younger students, it’s upcoming performances, a debating final, or the culmination of a season of sport, perhaps with a premiership or two within reach, that tease the mind with anticipation. For staff, there’s a definite sense of…
We warmly invite you to join us in celebrating 50 Years of Rowing at CGGS. We will honour the success of the CGGS Rowing program with past and present students, parents, supporters and everyone who has contributed to its great history. Please join us on Saturday, 17 September at Yhuuramulum for this special evening. Tickets to 50 Years of Rowing can be purchased here.