
Friday, 14 Oct 2022

Year 8 Camp

The Year 8 girls had an amazing experience at their camp in Term 3. After the cancellation of the camp the past two years due to Covid restrictions, everything came together in 2022 for a magical experience for all. The girls had four days of glorious weather, a jam-packed schedule of activities, and the chance to get to get to know others and the alpine environment. The girls had two full days at Thredbo ski resort with a total of six hours of instruction on either skiing or snowboarding. For…

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Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022

CGGS Fete - Spring Alive on Saturday, 22 October

After two years in hibernation, the CGGS Fete will return on Saturday, 22 October from 10.00am to 3.00pm at the Senior School campus (48 Melbourne Avenue, Deakin)! The theme in 2022, Spring Alive, celebrates the opportunity we have to come together as a community and enjoy: Over 50 stalls from local vendorsLive entertainment suitable for the whole family, including carnival rides, a climbing wall and pony ridesFood and refreshments from Canberra producersA silent auction featuring some great…

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Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022

It’s not goodbye, but see you soon

It is not often in life that you return as an adult to the school that educated you and helped to shape you into the person you are today. Returning to CGGS as a leader and educator was indeed a "no-brainer" for me when the opportunity arose. I have had many moments of deja-vu while walking the campus of my youth, particularly on the day the Grammarian staff members dressed up in our school uniforms faithfully carrying Burrawi as our Book Week choice. What has struck me the most during my time…

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Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022

Online Safety and Protection – What is happening and how can you help?

4-10 September was National Child Safety Week in Australia and is a priority for educators, parents and family members alike. Often when adults think of child safety they think of physical, mental and emotional safety but we live in a time when a new element of child safety is essential for all parents to consider. This is the online safety of children and young people. While phones and technological devices have allowed families and friends to be more connected and available than ever before,…

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Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022

Critical and creative thinking in the ELC and Junior School

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”Sir Ken Robinson English author, educator and thought leader Sir Ken Robinson has notched up over 30 million views of his famous TED Talk on creativity and schooling. Sir Ken emphasises the importance of nurturing creativity, curiosity and higher-order thinking skills in a well-rounded and holistic education. While creativity is often thought of as pertaining only to artists, musicians, and performers, this is not…

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Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022

Queen Elizabeth II

A week ago today we learned of the unexpected passing of one of the longest serving monarchs in history. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was crowned as Queen of the United Kingdom and of the Commonwealth just over 70 years ago. I cannot imagine the changes she saw during her lifetime. She was an extraordinary person, who lived an extraordinary life of service to both her subjects and to the Church. Her commitment to service meant that hers was a lifelong position. In 1947, before she ascended to…

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Tuesday, 20 Sept 2022

With voice we give our heart

Last Friday, our Bella Voce Chapel Choir travelled to Goulburn to participate in the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn Synod Eucharist. Held in the beautiful Cathedral Church of St Saviour, our students joined the St Saviour’s Cathedral Choir, Cathedral staff, students of St Mark’s Theological College, members of religious orders, Clergy of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Deacons, Priests, Area Deans, Canons both Lay and Clerical, Archdeacons, Assistant Bishops, Vergers, Deans,…

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Friday, 02 Sept 2022

Celebrating service

There have been many wonderful activities happening around the school recently. I have enjoyed attending the Friends and Family Chapel service, Bands Concert, Year 3 History projects display, netball games and Years 3 to 12 School Chapel, amongst many others. This week, however, I would like to focus on recognising two of our students for an outstanding achievement in giving back to their community. I was honoured to attend the Order of Australia Association ACT Branch Student Citizenship…

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Friday, 02 Sept 2022

The world is wide to everyone

‘Eang yw'r byd i bawb’ Growing up in a Welsh family, I have recently been reminded of a wonderful Welsh phrase, eang yw'r byd i bawb - the world is wide to everyone. Each and every day this proverb rings true across all corners of the Junior School. With students seizing the numerous opportunities presented to them with vigour, wholeheartedness, and hope-filled enthusiasm. The co-curricular and academic enrichment programs, as well as the diverse sporting options at CGGS, complement and build…

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